Here’s an email that was sent out yesterday to delegates. If you registered for the conference you should have seen this in your INBOX. It’s an important message, especially if you want to travel to the conference by car or share a hotel room with someone specific on Friday night.
Hi {firstname},
DevXS 2011, the student developer conference, is only 8 days away. We’re putting the final touches on the last few details right now, but we’ve got a few things that we’d like to ask you to do and make you aware of. Here goes!
Firstly, if you haven’t done so already you can now update your profile at – make sure that what we know about you is right! You’ll need the email address and password you signed up with – if you’ve forgotten either of them just email us and we’ll get you back on track.
Secondly, and quite importantly, we need you to tell us if you’re arriving in a group (for example if a few of you are sharing cars) so that we can make sure we have enough car parking spots. We’d also appreciate if you could let us know if you want to share a hotel room on the Friday with anybody. You can find the conference directory at if you want to see who else is coming from your institution. To let us know just hit reply and email us the details.
Thirdly, we’ve put a load of useful information on the conference Wiki at on getting here, accommodation, network, what to bring and so-on. Give it a read if you’ve got any burning questions.
Finally, we’ve got a couple of new places for you to congregate and discuss things regarding DevXS. First of all is our Wiki where you can discuss ideas, data sources, teams and so on at Secondly is our IRC channel (for those of you who remember IRC) at #devxs on Freenode. You can connect to, or chat through your browser at More help with IRC is on our Wiki.
As always if you have any questions or problems please feel free to email us.
See you there!
The DevXS Team